Crucifixus et Resurrexit

Crucifixus et Resurrexit (2016)

Crucifixus Et Resurrexit SSAA Perusal (PDF) (please feel free to print a complimentary copy for perusal)

Crucifixus Et Resurrexit TTBB Perusal (PDF) (please feel free to print a complimentary copy for perusal)

* Enter the number of copies you wish to purchase (this number can be adjusted in your cart at checkout). When purchased, you will receive one digital file of the score with a receipt/license giving permission to make and retain in your possession the specified number of copies. *


Voicing: SSAA, TTBB
Categories: General
A cappella
Medium difficulty
Here is an a cappella setting of the “Crucifixus et Resurrexit” text that opens chantlike and finishes with jubliation!

cost: $2.00 per copy made from pdf

Text (from Mass Ordinary)

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis,
sub Pontio Pilato,
passus et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die
secundum scripturas,
et ascendit in coelum.
Sedet ad dexteram Patris.

He was crucified for us,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
and was buried.
And on the third day He rose again
according to the scriptures,
and ascended into heaven.
He sits on the right hand of the Father.

-to God alone all glory is given-