New Recording of Spiritual, “My Lord What A Mornin'”


I have a new demo recording by Matt Curtis of Choral Tracks for my arrangement of the Spiritual, “My Lord What A Mornin’.”

My Lord What A Mornin'I will introduce the piece to the choral community at large in late summer/early fall of this year, but it is available for perusal and purchase now.

“My Lord What A Mornin'” is a Spiritual I love, and so back in 2003 I decided to create this straight foward delivery of the text and tune. I wanted the inherent hope and dignity of the Spiritual to come through with little distraction.

The Spiritual contains overt second advent references. I am fairly sure, although it cannot be confirmed, that this Spiritual was influenced by second advent preachers traveling from New England to the southern states in the early 1840s.

While there many risked their lives to preach not only to white citizens, but also to slaves. There message was that Jesus was coming soon and that the judgment would take place at that time.

Often when opening a meeting, the traveling evangelist or a singing companion would begin by singing a Spiritual (a cappella, solo) themes on the second advent to the listening congregation. Then the message would begin. (The a cappella baritone solo opening this arrangement is in imitation of this singing style.) What message would be more powerful to the poor suffering slaves then “Jesus will be here soon, your suffering will be ended”? It is no surprise that these meetings met with success in winning converts.

I think these meetings likely influenced (along with the greatest meteor shower in recorded history, which occurred in 1833) the creation of this Spiritual.

Today, I think the message is still relevant. Jesus has not come, but His coming in the clouds of heaven, when every eye will see Him, cannot be far off. I hope you enjoy this arrangement.


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